Track Info:
Release Date: January 8, 2013
Yeah, You’re my only One True Friend Lord,
When times get hard and no one cares,
You’re still there always by my side,
My only One True Friend
Have you had a true friend?
A Friend that sticks closer than a brother,
And Friend that’s there till the end,
Never lets you down, Always puts you first,
His name is Jesus, stop rejecting and put Him first! x2
**Left speaker — It’s in the Blood x3, Because of Your Blood
**Right speaker – We praise Your name, we lift You high,
We praise Your name until we die, El Shaddai,
We lift Your name on high, We lift Your name on high,
We lift Your name on high, because You’re El Shaddai
Verse 1:
Jesus is my Friend,
You know He’s there till the end,
Dying on that cross to bring us new life,
This is the Christ, Jesus Christ,
What love bestowed in the nails of His palms,
The strikes He took for everyone of your wrongs,
Empty me Father pour out your love,
Fill me up, more of You less of me,
Unworthy was I to loose the latch of your feet, (you are my Friend),
But unashamed am I, to sit upon your lap,
Resting in your bosom is where I want to be,
While others make fun, I’ll be unashamed,
While you make your decisions, on Your judgment seat.
Have you had a true friend?
A Friend that sticks closer than a brother,
And Friend that’s there till the end,
Never lets you down, Always puts you first,
His name is Jesus, stop rejecting and put Him first!
Verse 2:
Stop playing around, how can this be funny?
We’ve all done wrong.. sins can’t be redeemed by money!
So you make your choice, His Blood cleanses sins that ask,
Don’t be afraid, just ask!
He poured out His love, Don’t be ashamed,
We’ve all done wrong, But the strong confess,
Put your hand in the hand of the man that redeemed your soul,
Worthy are the saints worshipping at the Lord’s feet!
**Chorus Instrumental**
Verse 3:
He’s our Friend, Jesus is our Friend,
Jesus is our Friend that endures till the end,
So we can’t give up, cause He gave His life,
Conquered the grave, in the earth 3 days and nights,
Overcome, We must overcome,
By the Blood of the Lamb, We can do it with the Son,
Don’t give in, it’s what we’re fighting for,
So we must stand up, and we must stand out,
Let your light shine to glorify our Father in heaven,
Let them see your works, we will not be ashamed,
His WORD’s are life, His WORD’s are light,
Redeem us Father, make us righteous in Your sight!
Have you had a true friend?
A Friend that sticks closer than a brother,
And Friend that’s there till the end,
Never lets you down, Always puts you first,
His name is Jesus, stop rejecting and put Him first! x4
**Left speaker — It’s in the Blood x3, Because of Your Blood
**Right speaker – We praise Your name, we lift You high,
We praise Your name until we die, El Shaddai,
We lift Your name on high, We lift Your name on high,
We lift Your name on high, because You’re El Shaddai