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Track Info:

Release Date: January 8, 2013

Jesus Christ is risen from the grave,
In the earth 3 days, He’s paved the way,

With resurrected life, He’s given me sight,
Redeeming the lost, He’s the giver of life,
The Blood that was shed, the water that poured,
He opened the door to all that are lost

Verse 1:
Jesus Christ, He conquered death
(How’d He do it?), He rose from the dead,
Paving the narrow for You and me,
Captives to our sin such as TV,
My savior Jesus, I am free,
Those nails, the strikes, He did it for me!

Jesus Christ is risen from the grave,
In the earth 3 days, He’s paved the way,

With resurrected life, He’s given me sight,
Redeeming the lost, He’s the giver of life,
The Blood that was shed, the water that poured,
He opened the door to all that are lost

Verse 2:
I’m held captive, come set me free,
Convict me Father, I’m on my knees,
Make these eyes see, show me my sin,
It’s blocking me from You Father,
I must repent

Jesus Christ is risen from the grave,
In the earth 3 days, He’s paved the way,

With resurrected life, He’s given me sight,
Redeeming the lost, He’s the giver of life,
The Blood that was shed, the water that poured,
He opened the door to all that are lost

Verse 3:
I’m just so happy cause, I repented from my ways,
All those evil deeds, All my selfish ways,
Jesus told me bout His blood, that it forgives sin,
That we can overcome our sin,
If we just repent!

**Chorus Instrumental**

Don’t forget about the King,
His name is Jesus,
No fake ring, there’s no divorce,
He wants to work together, please don’t go ahead,
Listen to Him,
He has a soft voice

Verse 4:
Jesus, if I were to write to You what would I say?
Would I tell you about all my wrongs?
Or the nasty things that people say?
You chose me from the start when I was once your enemy,
How could you first love me?
.. me..

BEAT TAPES by GratuiTous

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About Author: GratuiTous

GratuiTous (Riley Weller) Music Producer

GratuiTous discovered FL Studio around 2009 when a friend introduced him to the DAW.. he then began making FL Studio tutorials in 2011 which lead to creating his Beatmaker Training Platform. He also authors music production books, and hosts the "Music Production Made Simple Podcast". Fun Fact: He was an electrician in Canada for 10 Years!


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