How to Duplicate a Pattern in FL Studio

Today you’ll learn how to duplicate a pattern in FL Studio. Another way to say this is how to clone a pattern in FL Studio.
This is similar to how to add another pattern in FL Studio, but instead of creating a new pattern that has nothing inside it, creating a copy of a FL Studio pattern duplicates all information, adds it to a new pattern, then you modify the pattern to your needs.
I’ll share various methods of creating a copy of a FL Studio pattern in this tutorial:
What You Will Learn:
- How Patterns Work in FL Studio
- How to Duplicate a FL Studio Pattern
- Make Unique to Clone a Pattern in FL Studio
- The Number Pad to Switch Patterns
How Patterns Work in FL Studio
Let’s first start with how patterns work in FL Studio, because that may be what’s confusing you.
You don’t create new patterns in FL Studio.. they are actually already available if you use the number pad approach!
However, when you use the drop-down menu to add a new pattern in FL Studio, you’ll see that it shows “Insert one”:

Read: How to Add a Pattern in FL Studio Tutorial
Insert one creates a new FL Studio pattern, but if you use the number pad’s + and – buttons, you can make new patterns without using “insert one”!!
(That’s why I said you don’t really create patterns in FL Studio, they’re actually already there!)
Moving onto duplicating a pattern in FL Studio.. (notice the Clone option right underneath “Insert one” in the image above).
How to Duplicate a FL Studio Pattern
Duplicating a pattern in FL Studio is known as cloning.
When you clone a pattern, it will make an exact copy of the pattern’s elements, meaning the piano roll or step sequencer notes are duplicated into a new pattern for you. (It also will duplicate the title name).
One other way of cloning or duplicating a FL Studio pattern is with the Make Unique option (explained below).
To duplicate a pattern in FL Studio, select Clone from the drop-down menu (Pattern options) beside the Pattern selector:
The keyboard shortcut to clone a pattern in FL Studio is SHIFT + CTRL + C!
For clarity, if you clone a pattern that was named PIANO, the duplicated pattern’s title name would be PIANO #2:
Make Unique to Clone a Pattern in FL Studio
An additional way to replicate a pattern in FL Studio is to use Make Unique, which is only found when you are working in the Playlist.
Make Unique is a powerful way to clone a pattern (or audio clip) to make a change and add freshness to your listener’s ears (what I call Audio Painting).
Make Unique with MIDI Notes will duplicate the pattern with the same sounds or Virtual Instruments used.
Make Unique with an Audio clip will duplicate the audio clip (not create a new pattern) so you can manipulate it much different from the first copy. (It uses the same audio file stored on your computer, but creates a copy to process different).
Make Unique is different than Make Unique as Sample.. that will do Make Unique AND save a new copy on your computer (only available for audio clips).
Make Unique is only available in a paid version of FL Studio! If you’re using the Trial Version of FL Studio, the option will be greyed out! Learn the Best FL Studio Version to Buy.
Now, don’t get too carried away with cloning patterns, or using Make Unique.
Best practice is USUALLY each instrument gets its own pattern (unless you want to “layer” instruments, or it’s a hi-hat or percussion loop, for example).
You want each sound to have its own pattern so that your music arrangement can have the most flexibility to add and remove sounds any time in your song, and have the most control over your listener’s emotions.
If you do use Make Unique, it’s wise to keep the same color, but make it a little darker or lighter, so you know it’s the same sound, just played differently.. (explained in my split by channel FL Studio tutorial!)
The Number Pad to Switch Patterns

Watch Number Pad Course | View Best Typing Keyboard for FL Studio
The last thing I’ll mention is the number pad (which I talk about A LOT!)
The number pad is all about workflow..
If your keyboard doesn’t have a number pad, please read Best Computer Typing Keyboards for FL Studio. (Or, look into a USB number pad.. it really helps the FL Studio workflow!)
Put it this way.. I like it so much, I created a Number Pad FL Studio Course!!
In short:
- Use the + and – to switch between patterns
- Use * and / to move forward or back 1 bar
It’s way faster than reaching for your MIDI Keyboard!
Conclusion: How to Duplicate or Clone a FL Studio Pattern!
So there you go!
You learned that FL Studio by default already has patterns available to you!
In order to duplicate a FL Studio pattern, you clone the pattern in the drop-down Pattern options menu, which can also be done with SHIFT + CTRL + C.
Another option is Make Unique for a super fast workflow in the FL Studio Playlist (but not as fast as that keyboard shortcut! 🙂)
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