How to Use Hybridize in FL Studio

Hybridize is a feature in FL Studio that allows you to blend two presets into one..
Yes, that means INSTANT creativity by switching from one preset to the next!
In this FL Studio Tutorial, I’ll show how to use hybridize in FL Studio to set it up, and get good results!:
What You Will Learn:
- What is Hybridize in FL Studio
- How to Setup Hybridize in FL Studio
- How to Use FL Studio’s Hybridize Feature
What is Hybridize in FL Studio
Hybridize only works for FL Studio stock plugins.. so just keep that in mind!
The hybridize FL Studio feature is located if you simply LEFT-CLICK a preset menu of any FL Studio stock virtual instrument:

Pro-Tip.. Enable Tree Display!
Step 1 in the image shows Presets on a stock FL Studio virtual instrument (just left click it).
Now as a bonus, if you enable Tree display (Step 2), it gives a much more organized menu (rather than a HUGE menu that takes up your whole screen).
Let’s now move onto setting up Hybridize in FL Studio (as you saw in the image there).
How to Setup Hybridize in FL Studio
Enabling Hybridize on a FL Studio Plugin allows you to blend between two presets together.
It’s so powerful, because sometimes you might have an okay sound, only to switch to another preset, and all of a sudden you have an AMAZING preset, where all you did was just click 1 button!
Simply enable Hybridize by left-clicking the Presets text, and then left-click Hybridize:

(Hybridize works by using an already made preset to combine with another already made preset. I’m not sure the rules FL Studio uses for their hybridize algorithm..)
How to Use FL Studio’s Hybridize Feature
Now that you’ve turned Hybridize on, here’s how you use it!
Simply just click the left or right arrow beside Presets, or click the Presets text for the drop-down menu to select a new preset.
If Hybridize is enabled in FL Studio, it will blend the two presets together, where you can find an AMAZING sound many times!:

Sometimes the differences a little hard to hear, but sometimes the blended presets can create an outstanding sound!
As a pro-tip, you can save these presets to reuse at a different time!
Conclusion: Using Hybridize in FL Studio for New Presets in your VSTs
As mentioned.. FL Studio’s Hybridize feature only works for stock FL Studio plugins.. this means both virtual instruments and mixing plugins (yes, you’ll create some REALLY cool preset ideas here..)
Some third-party VSTs have a Hybridize feature, but it’s specifically for that plugin (which would work in any DAW).
I hope you enjoy this tutorial about Hybridize in FL Studio!
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