How to Add a New Pattern in FL Studio (Create FL Studio Pattern)

Today we cover how to create a new pattern in FL Studio.
This article shares MANY WAYS to add in new patterns in FL Studio, but stick around till the end of the video to learn the FAST FL STUDIO WORKFLOW, which is all based off the number pad.
Adding in a New Pattern in FL Studio is super easy, and it’s important to understand that we don’t really make a new FL Studio pattern.. as they are automatically available when you go up and down the patterns when using the Number Pad technique.
What You Will Learn:
- (BEST WAY!) Creating New FL Studio Patterns with the Number Pad
- How to Add in a New Pattern in FL Studio
(BEST WAY!) Creating New FL Studio Patterns with the Number Pad
Before we cover the different ways of creating FL Studio patterns manually with the mouse or keyboard shortcuts..
Using the number pad gives the fastest FL Studio Pattern experience! (You’d know that if you watch my FL Studio Courses!)
The number pad allows you to switch patterns up (+), or switch patterns down (-).
Sadly, if you use + and – beside backspace (and above where you type), it does not give the same pattern experience.
Don’t have a number pad? I suggest a USB Number Pad!
And here’s what I’m currently using for a good computer typing keyboard for FL Studio.
How to Add in a New Pattern in FL Studio
I’ll list the ways to make a new FL Studio Pattern here. (Just line up the image number to the listed number):
- Plus icon (+) is the fastest way to create a new pattern
- After clicking the drop down arrow…
Insert one adds a new FL Studio pattern the same way the plus icon (+) does. - Cloning a FL Studio Pattern is also a way of creating a new pattern. This creates a duplicate FL Studio Pattern, which you can then modify slightly to bring freshness to your beat!
- Find First Empty finds the first empty pattern in the list.
For example, if Pattern 1 is labelled KICK, and then Pattern 3 is labelled CLAP, and Pattern 2 is not used, Find First Empty will use Pattern 2. - Find Next Empty will find the next empty pattern from the current pattern you’re selected on.
For example, if Pattern 2 and Pattern 4 are unused, but you’re highlighted on Pattern 3, Find Next Empty will create a new pattern on Pattern 4. - Find Next Empty (no naming) goes to the next pattern, just like regular Find Next Empty above, but does not pop-up the naming field. (The same thing that the number pad does, but the number pad is much faster!)
As you can see.. there’s LOTS of ways of creating a new pattern in FL Studio..
You may have heard of Make Unique before, too..
Make Unique is also a quick way to clone a pattern in FL Studio, which creates a new pattern that is duplicated..
You then quickly modify this duplicated pattern.. and it becomes very useful for freshness to the listener’s ears, as you can use each of the two patterns back and forth!
Conclusion: Create a New FL Studio Pattern..
There you go! That’s how you add a new pattern into FL Studio.
The FASTEST WAY is using the number pad’s (+) and (-) buttons.
With FL Studio, you really don’t create new patterns.. they are already available when you go up and down the pattern list.. therefore, the number pad allows you to navigate patterns FAST!
Because of this fast workflow, I like to disable the Picker Panel to get more screen real estate when creating my beats in FL Studio.
Any questions about in FL Studio for How to Make a New Pattern?
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