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FL Studio Books

About Author: GratuiTous

GratuiTous discovered FL Studio around 2009 when a friend introduced him to the DAW.. he then began making FL Studio tutorials in 2011 which lead to creating his Beatmaker Training Platform. He also authors music production books, and hosts the "Music Production Made Simple Podcast". Fun Fact: He was an electrician in Canada for 10 Years!

S3E13 - Business Tools vs. Personal Tools
Don't get locked into a company's "ecosystem" without knowing the pros and cons.. Know the difference between Business Tools ...

S1E01 - Welcome to Music Production Made Simple
Welcome to ‘Music Production Made Simple’. This is the first episode in the podcast which introduces what to expect from ...
FREE Beatmaking Book!

Must-know beatmaking tips!
About GratuiTous

I've worked with a GRAMMY-Nominated Artist, host a Music Production Podcast, Author Beatmaking Books & Create FL Studio Courses.