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FL Studio Beginner Course!

Learn FL Studio Online with an Easy-to-Understand eBook & Course Bundle!

BONUS! - eBook FREE with Purchase ($17 Value!)

Yes, Teach Me FL Studio

Discover a Step-By-Step Approach to Learn FL Studio at a Professional Level with Recognized FL Studio Trainer, GratuiTous!

What's Included?
FL Studio Beginner Course (and eBook)

Course: 20 Videos @ 4.25 Hours Long
Book: 141 Pages & 73 Images!
Learn How to Use FL Studio
Learn How to Become a Producer
Learn FL Studio Best Practices 👍
Buy FL Studio Beginner Offer

About the Teacher

GratuiTous Music Producer - FL Studio Trainer (Riley Weller) FL Studio Trainer GratuiTous (Riley Weller)

GratuiTous is a beatmaking educator since 2011! He specializes in custom beats with piano improvisation and making drum loops with one-shot samples.

His Dedicated Beatmaker Training Platform teaches the beatmaking fundamentals focused on the FL Studio DAW.

GratuiTous has worked with a GRAMMY-Nominated Artist, hosts the Music Production Made Simple podcast, authors FL Studio Books, and is also a self-taught web developer!


Keys for Christ
d-rum (Unreleased)
Downgrades and Upgrades (unreleased)
Make a Beat from Scratch Vol. 2 (Course in Platform)
Preparation (unreleased)

Why Was FL Studio Beginner Course & Book Created?

I first discovered beatmaking around 2011 at a friend's house. (I was actually an apprentice electrician at the time)... my friend told me:

This is what producers use to make professional beats on the radio.

At first I didn't think much of it.. until I visited his home again and the software was there.. I got really interested.

How FL Studio Entered My Life..

I decided to start with the FL Studio Trial Version.. which I used for a couple months!

This is a great way to start as the FL Trial is actually the full version of FL Studio, which just restricts your ability to open your saved projects.. you can get up and running free!

As I continued my electrical job, this passion of beatmaking kept growing. After work I'd put HOURS into learning how to make beats.. until eventually I took the leap.

I purchased the FL Studio Signature Edition, which I think is the sweet spot in terms of price & what you get.

I remember during checkout, I thought to myself, "Am I actually purchasing a music program for beatmaking?".. I didn't know anything about making beats other than really liking lots of rap & dance music at the time.

The Beginning of My FL Studio Tutorials

I was not enjoying my electrical job.. I wanted to pursue "music", but had no idea where to start..

The same friend who introduced me to FL Studio was also a web developer.. I asked if I could hire them to help me start a website for my music..

I had NO IDEA what to do.. but this was where I found my passion for teaching!

My first website was "" (now I started writing many music production articles, and kept wanting to teach! Logo by [FL Studio Tutorials, Courses & Education] Last Logo

I was so serious with that I actually quit my electrical job for awhile, but couldn't generate enough income.. I learned so much, but I had to go back to electrical!

Build a Career With Music on the Side

Going back to work was hard.. my mindset was business, while most co-workers focused on career and family building.. I couldn't relate to questions like, "What did you do this weekend?".. (of course it was beatmaking related!)

I got made fun of because I was trying to "make it in the music industry".. this happened from both co-workers and family members! I would try to answer questions without getting personal to avoid sharing my own passions.. (it is none of their business anyway!)

My valuable advice to you is to keep quiet as you are learning music production, and do not share your music until you become confident.

I was grateful I eventually completed my electrical apprenticeship.. I was able to afford decent music equipment, but making my FL Studio Tutorials slowed down..

A New Approach to Teaching FL Studio!

I realized making YouTube FL Studio Tutorials was a lot of work for little pay.. but students usually enjoyed my FL Studio Videos.. so after some planning..

I started making FL Studio Courses.

Sales very slowly grew.. I am not good at selling or "digital marketing".. but I knew this was worth my time to pursue because I could see the courses could generate more income than YouTube.. while helping new FL Studio producers want to learn the secrets of beatmaking!

Before I knew it I created 5 courses.. then 10 courses.. and today the platform has over 35 FL Studio Courses!

IT WAS NOT EASY. I'm sure many people would have given up.. But I am a self-learner. I do not like hiring people.. I like to read and figure out how to do things myself to reduce cost.

My passion for beatmaking education has continued strong.

I welcome you to try my FL Studio Beginner Course as an entry into my FL Studio Education Platform, when you're ready!

Buy FL Studio Beginner Bundle

Where to You Start Learning FL Studio?

Many students ask:

Where should I start to learn beatmaking on my computer?

The thing is.. Music Production is INCREDIBLY overwhelming.. there is actually so much to learn..

This is why I created my "Course Pathways".. it is a beatmaking curriculum to follow to learn each aspect of the world of music production...

If you want to start slow, definitely start with my FL Studio Beginner Course & FL Studio Beginner Book on this page here. If you're more serious, visit and you can join the platform for the full experience!

My FL Beginner Training will teach you:

  • How to Learn FL Studio Fast
  • Must Know FL Studio Settings
  • How to Make Beats with FL Studio
  • Is FL Studio the Best DAW for You?
  • How to Get Your Producer Environment Organized
  • Be an Original Music Producer

Ready to Learn FL Studio?

I've been teaching beatmaking for A LONG time.. one of the longest running FL Studio Trainers!

I'm so grateful for all students who took the leap with me, and went for my FL Studio Training.

My goal is to make things SIMPLE & get you to a point where you DO NOT need to watch tutorials or read books to have the ability to make your own style of music from scratch.

Buy FL Studio Beginner Training

Frequently Asked Questions

What is FL Studio?

FL Studio is a DAW (Digital Audio Workstartion). It is what music producers use to create digital music (computer music).

There are MANY DAWs out there. I decided to stick with FL Studio due to its LIFETIME Updates (you only pay once for the software), their developers & support team are really helpful, and the FL Studio Music Software itself is REALLY fast to make beats once you learn my workflow & favorite FL Studio Keyboard shortcuts!

Why an FL Studio Course vs. FL Studio Tutorials?

You will see this argument A LOT that "you can learn everything with YouTube FL Studio Tutorials". I actually do not argue with this. I agree. There is A LOT of information out there to get you started learning how to make beats with FL Studio.

The benefit of my FL Studio Beginner Course is that you get to learn how I make beats.. I'm known for making things REALLY SIMPLE.

Another benefit is that there is no distractions in the videos.. This means the information gets straight to the point for the highest-quality learning environment.. YouTube is full of advertisements, promotions, and many distractions.

Finally, the information is available within one place. You do not have to search around and try to find a good video that gives you the answer. My FL Studio Beginner course is highly rated.. Students often say they learn so much more the second time they watch it as they get used to my teaching style.. (I explain AS I'm teaching you at the same time).

What Does Your FL Studio Beginner Bundle Offer?

The best beginner experience is having BOTH my FL Studio Beginner Course & FL Studio Beginner Book.. I include the eBook FREE ($17 Value) only when purchasing through this page, to say thank-you for your business!

Is there More FL Studio Training After the Beginner Stuff?

Yes! I have spent YEARS fine-tuning my platform. It's just me here, and this platform has actually turned me into an intermediate web-developer. The Platform allows you to login & track your progress from a computer, tablet or phone.

The "Course Pathways" at is actually the best way to learn how to make beats with FL Studio because I break down what order to watch the courses in. This way when you jump from one course to the next, you are prepared & have the knowledge to understand the next in-depth FL Studio Course.

For clarity, these courses range from 1 hour to 8 hours long. Some courses have 10 videos.. some have 30 videos.. It is truly a very in-depth platform with over 90+ hours of beatmaking education video content.

But if you want to start slow, then start with my FL Studio Beginner Offer on this page!

What's the Refund Policy?

You have 30 Days to request a full refund if you're not happy!

FL Studio Beginner Bundle

FL Studio Beginner Course & Book by GratuiTous.

Course: 20 Videos @ 4 Hours
Book: 141 Pages & 73 Images

Best Person to Learn FL Studio From Online Video Tutorials Buy FL Studio Beginner

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed! This course is for new music producers who want to learn FL Studio & how to make beats on their computer. There is MUCH MORE beatmaking education in the platform if you want to continue, too!